Te organizo tu viaje a Nueva York, así no lo tienes que hacerlo tú 😎

🎵 Could you tell where my head was at when you found me? Me and you went to hell and back just to find peace Man I thought I had everything, I was lonely Now you’re my everything, I was lonely I missed a lot of love, with a lot of drugs, then I found you She liked petty crimes, she had green eyes like Mountain Dew And where she go, I’ll never know, her friends bounce too I guess it’s their loss, but they’ll never know what we’ll amount to

guia de viaje york

    Te organizo tu viaje a Nueva York, así no lo tienes que hacerlo tú 😎
#viaje #guiadeviaje #newyork #nuevayork #usa #trravelplanner

    ♬ original sound – summer songs<333
    #nuevayork #viaje #newyork

    Puedes descargar desde aqui Te organizo tu viaje a Nueva York, así no lo tienes que hacerlo tú 😎 en pdf

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